divi's Blog

Week 12

Published: 08/21/2023

What Did I do this week

I finally got my last PR, "Exclude GUI..." approved this week, and it should be merged anytime now! What a journey. I was nervous about this one since the start of GSoC because of my lack of experience with Qt, but these 3 months have taught me a lot about not only Qt, but various other technical and non-technical skills too. I started working on my Final GSoC report and will submit my work soon. The next blog will probably be my last one, time flies.

Did I get stuck somewhere


What's next

It's a bittersweet moment. GSoC will end this week, but it was a great one, and I'll cherish these memories forever! My mentors have been really supportive and understanding, I wish to return the favour by contributing more to the repositories I contributed to, this way I won't lose touch with them too! Anyway, this week I plan to complete and submit my final GSoC report.

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Week 11

Published: 08/15/2023

What Did I do this week

This is the second last week of the standard coding period, and I got my second last PR merged. I started the last round of work on the Exclude GUI PR and it should be done this week or before the start of the evaluation period 12 days from now. I'll start with my final submission report soon too.

Did I get stuck somewhere


What's next

My complete focus is on getting the "Exclude GUI..." PR merged. After that I'll write my submission report and complete the "Quick Mount" PR as soon as I can. 

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Week 10

Published: 08/10/2023

What Did I do this week

I had my birthday on Monday! Which is why I missed writing my blog that day, and then I just forgot about the reminders after that, my bad. Anyway, I got the "Edit archive inline..." PR approved by Manu and feel like it's ready to merge!

"The Exclude GUI..." PR was also reviewed by yf-projects, and I've worked on half the stuff that he mentioned. I should be done with it next week. This week could be a little hectic since I'm moving back to college and will have to set things up there.

Did I get stuck somewhere


What's next

I just need to get the "Exclude GUI..." PR merged after working on the changes that yf-projects mentioned. Other than that, the "Quick Mount.." PR is also left but that's 80% complete already, so I'll focus on the "Exclude GUI..." PR more for now.

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Week 9

Published: 08/01/2023

What Did I do this week

I got the Borgmatic docs PR merged. I also worked on an improvement for one of my borgmatic features that makes it optional. 

Did I get stuck somewhere

Debugging the "inline archive renaming" PR was difficult, but I did it!

What's next

Here's what's left:

  1. Exclude GUI PR - Need a review, then I'll update the PR, so it depends on the number of back and forths, but should be done in August

  2. Vorta Edit archive inline - Almost Done, One bug came up in the last review, I'll fix it this week.

  3. Quick Mount - This PR was 80% done before the coding period started, yf-projects has left a review on it too, I'll get it merged in the end (last week) since I've forgotten what I was doing and starting from scratch would be easier.
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Week 8

Published: 07/25/2023

What Did I do this week

I wrote tests and completed all functionality for the "Exclude GUI..." project this week. It's almost done, thanks to timely reviews by the Vorta maintainers.

Did I get stuck somewhere

I am stuck with small error in my second last task for the "Improve Archive Table actions...." PR. I asked for help from the Vorta maintainers and my fellow GSoC participants. I can't duplicate the error since I deleted my old database and the error is related to migrations.

What's next

I'll get more reviews on the "Exclude GUI..." PR and might get it merged around the first week of August. I'll resume work on the Borgmatic docs PR next week and try to get it merged. This week, apart from the "Exclude GUI..." project, I'll try to get the "inline archive renaming" PR merged.

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